Soccer Season is Here! Soccer Games Have Started!
My husband is coaching the recreational soccer league locally. My son, Isaac, loves having his dad coach his team each season. We usually do 3 seasons of soccer. The fall season is a guys only outdoor league. The winter season has an indoor soccer league that can be co-ed but usually isn’t. The spring season has another outdoor league that is co-ed. Whew! I’m tired just thinking about it.
I asked my son which season he likes best. He said, “I don’t know” followed quickly by, “Spring!” I think he enjoys showing off his mad soccer skills to the cute girls. Or maybe it is JUST the cute girls. Hmmm.
Our first game was last night.
My son’s team won the game but only in overtime. It was a tough game.
We’ve been in this league long enough to know a lot of the players. A few of the opposing team’s players knew my son and some of his teammates. The good-natured ribbing and mid-game conversations can be a lot of fun. We generally find that this league has great kids with good sportsmanship. The other soccer moms are pretty fabulous, too.

Highlights from the game
In this clip, above, my son almost scores. The goalkeeper just got a finger on the ball to tap it’s trajectory from the goal and into the post. That was a good save by the opposing goalkeeper.
In the clip above, my son is playing goalkeeper. He has a nice save.
It was a great game, and we are all looking forward to a fabulous season!
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