My Mother’s Christmas Tree Gold & Burgundy

Of course, you can’t decorate for Christmas without a Christmas tree! So after decorating my mother’s stair railing Here, my next project was the Christmas tree decked in Gold & Burgundy.  My mother chose gold ornaments and ribbon with some pops of burgundy and red up top with the poinsettia flowers and decorations at the top. *This post […]

Simple Yet Festive Christmas Decor for the Stairs Railing

It’s a tradition! Every year, my mother invites me over to her house to decorate for Christmas.  Christmas comes early at her house, at least in part, because both of her brothers’ families visit each Thanksgiving, and we all have an early Christmas with one another.  We look forward to it every year, but my […]

Chocolate Mint Fudge #Recipe

As I said here in my white chicken chili recipe, tonight is the chili cook-off at church.  In addition to a chili, we are supposed to each bring a dessert.  I am bringing chocolate mint fudge.   Affiliate links are included.  I might make a small commission off of purchases through these links at no extra […]

White Chicken Chili in the Slow Cooker

Tonight is the chili cook-off at church.  Everyone brings a ground-beef-with-tomatoes-and-beans-styled chili, it seems.  I always have to be different.  Tonight, I am bringing a white chicken chili made with cream cheese and cannellini beans.  As always, I used a slow cooker to slow simmer all the flavors together. **Edit:  I have started cooking this […]

Creamy Broccoli in the #SlowCooker #Recipe

I brought this Creamy Broccoli to the church picnic.  It was a hit!  Before I bringing it to the church picnic, I tried it at home.  My husband and sons just raved about it.  That gave me to courage (yes, it takes courage) to bring it to the church potluck.  I got tons of sweet […]

Chicken Breasts and Stuffing in the Slow Cooker

  Chicken Breasts and Stuffing is always a hit with my guys.  One of my sons went back for forth.  My husband was a little nervous when he got home from work a little late, and one of our sons announced that he was going back for more.  “Save me some!” my husband yelled.  Our son […]

International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day – October 15

You can be a part of the Wave of Light. When:  Tonight, October 15, at 7 pm all time zones Where:  All over the world How:  Just light a candle and keep it lit for at least 1 hour     Losing my son, Wyatt, to miscarriage was the most difficult experience I have ever […]

Chili With Beans #Recipe in the #SlowCooker

We’re starting to get some cooler days mingled in with the warmer days.  Those cooler days have me dreaming of hot soups and stews… and, of course, chili with beans.  I have several favorite chili recipes.  You will likely see them all before long, but we’ll start with with my ground meat (I use ground […]

How To Reclaim a Little “Me Time” When You Can’t Afford an Official School Break

It’s been one of those months.  I just need to reclaim a little “Me Time”. You know!  The dirty laundry is always a couple days ahead of me… or more.  The cats have discovered a new way to mess something up.  I have far more household projects than time to do them.  Even this blog has […]

Meat Sauce for Spaghetti in the Slow Cooker

I just love my slow cooker.  It makes my life so much easier.  This meat sauce is another recipe that uses my cooked and browned ground meat in the freezer.  If you missed that post, you can find it Here!  Affiliate Links Included.  I might make a small commission off of purchases through these links at no […]