So, this is what I found when I went to use the powder room this morning. A toilet paper massacre of enormous proportions! Here’s my theory of what led to this kitty trouble.
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Kitty Trouble: A Toilet Paper Massacre

The cats overheard the toilet paper plotting something really vicious. Maybe the toilet paper planned to kill me or take over the world. My cats are far too loyal to let that go unchallenged. They knew something had to be done and sprang (probably literally) into action.
The toilet paper obviously put up a valiant fight, but it was no match for my purr-fect secret service. You thought only the presidents had a secret service? No, presidents and cat owners both have a secret service to protect them at all costs. And protect me, they did!
I will never again have to live in fear of this evil toilet paper roll (or flies). My loyal kitties have got my back.
Since the rest of the toilet paper ratted this guy out, they will be relocated in the witness protection program. It’s really a shame that they all have to go into hiding because of the actions of one roll, but we don’t want any more bloodshed (I mean, paper shed?).
While I believe the situation is now resolved, should there be any more news, I will be certain to keep you fully informed with updates as needed. For now, I feel safer.
May your day be filled with purrs and cuddles and all evil toilet paper be put in its place.