You just never know what you’ll find when you go digging around. I never actually found what I was looking for. They will naturally turn up when I’m looking for something else. However, I found this poem that I had written years ago, in 2002 to be precise.
This was inspired by my daughter who pointed out that the sun’s rays shining through the dark clouds look like they could be God’s hands. Seeing life through a child’s eyes is usually a very lovely thing.
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God’s Hands
The darkness of the clouds cover the sky
As sunshine earnestly tries to get through
When all at once, the dismal clouds divide
And rays of sunshine beam with brilliant hues
But look again and see with Godly eyes
Not only rays, God’s hand is piercing through
He reaches through the clouds with lighted guise
To touch all broken hearts within His view
For Heaven yearns to heal your broken heart
And listens to your heart’s imploring pleas
It’s wholeness that God’s hands can now impart
An anxious heart can be replaced with peace
For God still does reach through the clouds for us
And all we have to do is simply trust