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It’s hard to beat a steaming bowl of soup on a cold winter day. My favorite soup is a fire-roasted tomato soup with lots of garlic and fresh basil. Most years, I try to make large quantities of soup to freeze before my basil dies. If I had the Smart Herb Garden Starter Kit, I could make my favorite soup all year long. If you miss fresh herbs in the winter as much as I do, you should enter the giveaway below.

“The Smart Herb Garden is the most elegant and easiest indoor gardening solution available. Just plug it in, add water, and it takes care of the rest. Smart, simple, and carefree.We use innovative NASA-inspired technology that help the herbs naturally grow faster – with no GMOs, pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, plant hormones, or any other suspicious substances. It’s nature at its purest.Each Smart Herb Garden comes with 3 refill cartridges, but we offer other refills as well. When you’re ready for new plants, simply replace your old cartridges with new ones.”
This giveaway is open to the Continental US only (because of shipping costs) and will end on November 5th, 2015. Good Luck!!
I would love both the Mini Basil and the Stevia refill garden. I love to cook with fresh herbs. I also love to use Stevia in my tea.