Revelation Cheat Sheet: Chapter 1

Revelation Cheat Sheet First, let me say that I’m a huge proponent of Bible Scripture interpreting Bible Scripture.  I believe that is the surest, most sound way to interpret Scripture without compromising sound Bible doctrine.  With that goal in mind, I have put together a list of scriptures to help analyze, interpret, understand, and study […]

Teaching Your Teen How To Handle Insults

Teaching Your Teen How To Handle Insults

With the rise of social media, insults and unsolicited critiques are everywhere.   They seem to come at us from every direction.  It is more important now than ever that teens know how to handle insults, critiques, and advice.  It seems that, unfortunately, far too many teens fall into one of two camps:  (1) Those […]

October 15 is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day. Show your support by participating in the international wave of light.

Wave of Light October 15, 2016 Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness

Many of you may know that October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.  You may or may not be aware that October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.  In honor of all the babies gone too soon and in support for their grieving family, October 15 is set aside for a day of […]

You Reap What You Sow

    Forgive me for ranting for a moment! Quite frankly, this drives me crazy.  It goes something like this… “I just got an awesome promotion.  You reap what you sow!”  “I just got a fancy new item!  You reap what you sow!”  “I made straight A’s!  You reap what you sow!”  “I was miraculously […]

Why You Should Be Volunteering At Church

  The Widow of Zarephath A woman who died thousands of years before I was born is the reason I volunteer at church.  Really!  You can read all about her in 1 Kings chapter 17.  I love her story.  She resonates with me more than most of the people of the Bible. She is a […]

How to Write Successful Resolutions

  I am actually sticking with the same resolution I made last year.  I like it.  It works for me.  It is almost more of a mantra than a resolution which is helpful to me.  After I share my resolution, I will share some tips to write a successful resolution.  My resolution is: Step out […]

Handicapped Parking? Don’t Judge Too Quickly

I get it! I majored in Special Education.  I have a heart for those among us who are differently abled.  I understand the urge to defend those who may not be able to defend themselves (or may not have witnessed what you saw).  I understand the desire to fight injustices. I know that some individuals […]