My Christian Walk
David’s 9 Inquiries to the Lord
There are 9 times that the Bible says that David inquired of the Lord. Since 9 is often associated with the Holy Spirit (9 gifts of the Spirit & 9 fruit of the Spirit), I took a closer look at David’s inquiries of God and found 9 questions that we should be asking the Holy […]
The Proverbs 31 Man
What does the Proverbs 31 woman need from her husband who is the Proverbs 31 man in order for her to be all that God intends for her to be? I believe we can find that answer in Proverbs 31, too. 1 The words of King Lemuel, the utterance which his mother taught him:2 What, […]
What the Bible Says Light Is
The Bible has a lot to say about light. The first mention of light in Genesis 1 says that God saw the light was good and separated it from the darkness. I wrote a deep dive into the separation of light from darkness HERE, but this post will focus on just what the Bible says […]
Separating Light from Darkness
After doing a deep word study on LIGHT in the Bible, I discovered that the pattern of separating light from darkness is an important lesson for us today. I invite you to walk through this study with me as I explore this pattern. It is important to acknowledge the Principle of First Mention. The first […]
Agape Love: How true humility leads to a life of submission
I was just studying about Peter. He is a fascinating Biblical figure. Peter was one of Jesus’s 12 disciples. In Matthew 16: 18, Jesus said, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Peter’s name was originally […]
The Almond Mystery: A Bible Lesson
Why aren’t almonds in the New Testament? I have the answer plus more insights into the almond in Scripture.
God’s Plan Revealed in the Word “Good”
There is a hidden message in the Hebrew word Tov (pronounced tove) which means good. During creation, when God said it was good, He said it was tov. Tov is also used in Genesis 50:20. Genesis 50:20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it […]
When Jonathan Lost His “Hey”
I like to read books about the Bible, to dig deeper, to learn things that are beyond my personal expertise or knowledge. In that pursuit, I ran across something that has bothered me for months and months. I was reading The Return of the Kosher Pig by Rabbi Itzhak Shapira. In the introduction, (seriously, I […]
Healed & Whole
The woman with an issue of blood was healed, and we can use her example to receive from God. Luke 8: 43-48 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his […]