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Exodus 23:19
The first of the firstfruits of your ground you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.
Mother’s milk was created by God to nurture and nourish the kid. It is supposed to strengthen and give life. It was perfectly and divinely provided to supply everything the kid could need to flourish and grow.
If the mother’s milk is used to boil the kid, then the very substance that was designed to nurture, nourish, strengthen, and give life is used to break down, destroy, and bring death.
I want to look at three areas where we boil the kid in its mother’s milk in a manner of speaking. That is to say that we take something that God created to nurture, nourish, strengthen, and give life, but we corrupt it in some way so that it breaks us down, tears us apart, destroys us, or brings death.

God sent food to nourish and strengthen us. Foods can heal us when we are sick. Foods have everything our bodies need. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and other nutrients.
Over centuries of time, we have “improved” our food production to the point where our food supply is less nutritious than centuries ago. Then we take this already less nutritious food and add sugars and fats making them even less healthy. We boil the kid in its mother’s milk by taking a healthy nutritious diet that is intended to give us life and strength and instead we eat food that cause disease, sickness, and even early death.
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Music was created by God to nurture, nourish, and strengthen our relationship with God thereby giving us spiritual life in abundance, but we choose to listen to music that doesn’t edify us and that doesn’t worship our God.
At worst, the wrong music can destroy us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. At best, the wrong music distracts us from the things of God. Distraction is one of the greatest schemes of the enemy right now, but it can be very subtle.
We boil the kid in its mother’s milk when we take music that was designed to draw us closer to Almighty God, and instead we all the wrong music to distract us from God… or worse… we begin to call right “wrong” or wrong “right”. What we proclaim with our mouth has serious consequences both in this life and in the life to come. Be careful what you declare with your mouth. Pay attention to the lyrics you sing.
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Relationships were created by God to nurture, nourish, strengthen, and give us life. Our relationships with our husbands, parents, children, grandchildren, siblings, friends, and even strangers are designed by God to strengthen us. We have NO CONTROL over other people or how they respond to us. However, we are compelled in the Word of God to take speak life and not death. We can choose to be uplifting and encouraging. We can speak life and blessings over other people and situations.
OR… we can choose to boil the kid in its mother’s milk. We can hurt people. We can discourage. We can speak death. We can tear down, diminish, abuse, or slander. We can even gossip.

Food, music, and relationships are three areas where it is easy to boil the kid in its mother’s milk. It is easy to corrupt God’s original design in these areas, but these are definitely not a comprehensive list. I challenge each one of you to find areas where you personally (or humankind in general) have boiled the kid in its mother’s milk and corrupted the things that God gave us for good.
We need to become the source of nurturing, nourishment, strengthening, encouragement, edifying, building up, helping up, loving, compassionate, warming, patient, kind, and devoted men and women of God speaking God’s Word into the lives of those around us. We need to speak lift into our own lives and circumstances as well as the lives of all the people around us.
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