GearBest Intelligent Solar
Garden Light Giveaway
Co-Hosted By
Sponsored By
Dates: August 15, 2015 at 12:01 am EST to September 13, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST
Prize: Playbulb MIPOW BTL400 Intelligent Solar Garden Light
The Hashtag for this giveaway will be #GearBest
1 FREE Link with Announcement and 1 FREE Link for Posting the Giveaway no later than August 16th at 9 AM
You can choose Any Two Social Media Accounts*
Co-Host spots are available for $7
Included is a co-host page with any 5 links of your choice* in addition to the 2 free for a total of 7 plus a link back to your blog.
Paid Options: Any Additional links from the Free Link Options Above, Daily Votes, Page Visits, Retweets, Instagram Picture Likes, Newsletter Subscription, Blog or Facebook Comments, anything within reason are $1.50 each.
Secret Word Pages Available for $3 (I provide the HTML) or $2 (You Create)
*Anything you like as long as it meets user terms of service (ie no mandatory Facebook likes allowed)
Please send Paypal payment to paula_stewart@ymail.com
Put GearBest in the comments
*Facebook will be visit only no mandatory follow