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Few things get my teacher mojo flowing like creative writing assignments.
A Few Tips
While it is a good idea to have most topics fit your learner’s interests, challenging them to think about topics that they don’t usually think about can open them up to some wild out of the box thinking. That rough and tumble little boy who dresses as a superhero on a regular basis could probably put an interesting spin on a classic princess story.
Don’t be afraid to make up new words as journal topics. Words like “hamble”, “goodensloff”, or “umblegrudge” can spark some wild creations. What is it? It is whatever you say it is. It can be whatever you want it to be. A picture file can be a great source of inspiration, too. Click here to find out more.
If you have a wicked sense of humor like me, you can give younger ones words like “onomatopoeia”, “lobotomy”, or “Mongolia” with the same directions as above. It can be whatever you want it to be. Read it back to them when they are older and understand the actual meanings of the words.
Remember to keep the assignment within your learner’s abilities. Before your little one can write, s/he can still create oral stories. Next, start with a single sentence and a drawing. Gradually add sentences until you build to a paragraph. Add paragraphs until you build up to a short story.
Story Starters don’t always have to go at the beginning of the story. Sometimes the events that lead up to the story starter can be more interesting than the events that unfold afterwards. You will notice that I am especially fond of story starters that leave the story wide open for interpretation. Those really are the best.
You know your learners best. Steer clear of topics that might trigger difficult memories or other issues.
Creative Writing Topics
- My Favorite Sport
- My Favorite School Subject
- The Worst School Subject
- My Favorite Time of the Year
- What I love about my (mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, aunt/uncle, neighbor, friend, teacher, pastor…)
- My Favorite Meal
- If I had an extra arm and hand
- If I ran the circus
- My Favorite Animal (or more specific: Bird, Backyard animal, Zoo animal, Sea creature, Forest animal, Reptile…)
- My Favorite Game
- My Favorite Superhero
- If I could be a superhero
- If I could have any superpower
- My day as a prince/princess
- My day as king/ruler/queen/president
- If I could pass a law
- The Greatest Invention
- My Favorite Bible Prophet/King/Disciple
- My Favorite Book of the Bible
- My Favorite Singer/Song/Lyric/Poem
- If I could write my own TV show/Movie/Cartoon
- If I could go any place in the world/galaxy/time
- What I want to be when I grow up
- If I could spend one day as a grown up
- If I could spend one day as any animal
- My Favorite Way to Exercise
- My Favorite Book
- If I became trapped in a video game/TV show/cartoon/movie/website/comic book
- My Favorite Holiday
- If I had three wishes and couldn’t wish for more wishes
- If I could give one thing to anyone besides myself
- If I could decorate my bedroom anyway I wanted
- My Favorite Shirt/Outfit
- The Most Disgusting Thing I Have Ever Eaten
- What Dessert Would You Eat in the Desert
- If I could eat only one food for (the rest of my life, one whole week/month/year)
- If I ruled a tiny island
- If I could be in a parade, I would…
- If I were a chef
- If I were an imaginary character/troll/fairy/goblin/elf/pixie
- If I had a jet pack/flying car/flying saucer/hover board/spaceship
- If I owned a restaurant
- If I had a billion dollars (ten, hundred, thousand, million)
- If I could take a trip anywhere
- My Favorite Planet
- If I owned a cruise ship
- If my pet could talk to me
- If I could choose one thing that I never had to do ever again
- If I lived in a tree/cave/castle
- I’m just too scared to…
- My Perfect Birthday
- The Greatest Vacation Ever
- The Greatest Saturday Ever
- The Perfect Party
- If I could talk to animals
- If I could have any pet
- The Greatest School Day Ever
- If I owned a store
- My Favorite Sound
- My Favorite Scent
- If you could interview anyone (modern, throughout history)
- What to do when you’re bored
- If I could eat only one fruit (vegetable, legume, nut) for a whole year (week, month, decade)
- My Favorite School Assignment
- I am happiest when
- I am saddest when
- I am angriest when
- I am most scared when
- I am most grateful when
- I am most calm when
- I have the most fun when
- An Ordinary Day In My Life
- The most brilliant thing I have ever done
- The most creative thing I have ever done with (play doh, yarn/string, a ball, my computer, paint)
- My favorite (Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring/Christmas) Playlist
- If I could play any instrument (Learn a new instrument)
- My Day as a Symphony Conductor
- My Day as a Famous (Artist, Writer, Sculptor, Painter, Musician, Singer, Songwriter)
- If I became a character in my favorite book
- My Day as a Top Secret Spy

Story Starters
- I opened the box and found…
- With a can of cola, a balloon, and a piece of string, I could…
- The shovel hit something hard…
- He carefully opened the envelope…
- I didn’t expect a stampede
- The view outside the window was (just as I expected, not what I expected, beyond anything I could have expected…)
- That fall knocked the wind out of me
- With that final ____, the game is over.
- The stone had strange writing on it
- I can’t believe it landed right in my backyard
- The curtain opened, and I stepped out on stage
- I awakened to find
- That serum/spray/powder worked like magic
- Then I shrank to the size of an ant
- Then I grew to the size of a/an tree/elephant/building
- When I realized I had this superpower, I
- I was totally creeped out
- I have never been this excited in my entire life
- When I opened the door
- The pain was unbelievable, but worth it
- Yuck! I can’t believe I put that in my mouth.
- I rode the camel/horse/dolphin/elephant all the way to
- I finally washed up on the shore of
- This planet/country/city is nothing like I thought it would be
- He got down on one knee
- Tiny paws tapping my face
- Then it licked me
- I’ve heard of raining cats and dogs, but this is ridiculous.
- When I looked into the microscope/telescope
- My journey begins here on this train/plane/bus
- I had no idea the path led to
- She opened the book and couldn’t believe what she saw
- I never thought I’d find myself in this jungle
- In all his years studying ancient ruins, he has never seen anything like this.
- Then I added Pop Rocks (*best if you give the learner Pop Rocks for inspiration)
- I knew that nothing good would come of this
- The noises coming from the room turned out to be
- Oh no! Not wild animals!
- Mentos and cola were only the beginning
- She played happily on the piano oblivious to
- Is this a clue?
- He woke up in a jail cell
- I can’t believe they threw me into…
- With a little faith
- When she looked at the picture, she couldn’t believe her eyes
- I turned the corner, and
- He fought for his life.
- She found $20,000 hidden inside
- He passed it to me
- Once I read the email, I realized…
- Inside the cup was…
- I climbed the tree and found
- Then the doctor came in and said
- Just an ordinary Tuesday
- I can’t believe my slippers started talking
- Not another face plant!
- I closed my eyes and jumped
- Right in the middle of all the flowers was…
- What are worms doing here?
- She grabbed a tissue and…
- I couldn’t sleep so
- The night the world turned to candy
- When marshmallows attack
- My day living inside a sand castle (ice castle, gingerbread house, candy land)
- When I put on the magic glasses,
- Oh no! Anything, but that!
- How did that get there?
- This is a recipe for disaster
- The chime of the bell meant
- If I lived in a house made out of books
- But behind the painting she found…
- I was excited until I read the fine print at the very bottom.
- I followed the recipe exactly as she wrote it.
- It can’t be 2 o’clock already!
- As I listened to the wind howl, I knew I was in a lot of trouble.

I plan to add to this list over time, but 120 is a good start. I hope you get a lot of use out of this list.
Tell your friends to stop by and visit as well. I would love to hear what your learners came up with. Feel free to share in the comments.